MaxNina: Online Boutique


Maxnina is an online boutique that sells wholesale clothing and dresses at a range of prices, so you can look good on a budget with dresses under $100 or if you're lucky enough, can splash the cash on a dress for that special occasion.

"’s mission is to make your online shopping experience as easy and as enjoyable as possible. Our staff is ready to help you with any questions or concerns, such as how to select your favorite evening dresses, party dresses, bridesmaid dresses, cocktail dress, prom dress in, how to choose the correct size and color and so on." 

They also have a large selection of jewellery, blouses, leggings, jumpers and so much more to get you kitted out this season. With shipping to most countries, helpful staff and with three different currencies, there really is something for everyone so go and check it out.


  1. This dress is really very pretty! I've been scrolling down your blog and your photos are simply beautiful, you are very talented!
    X Jane

  2. love you're blog.. it's perfect!! You got a new fan :)

  3. your blog is perfect! ive just started out and i wondered how you got your sidebar like that? follow me?

  4. Loving your blog it's quaint and quirky heehe and I like your style of post so I've decided to give you a follow. Do you think you could take a peek at mine and follow back please?

  5. love your blog, really lovely to read - would love if you could have a look at mine, mine is taking forever to start up... Also what camera do you use? hope to hear from you!


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