Bits & Bobs


Hello lovelies, hope you're all doing well. There is not really a set topic for this post today; it's all a bit random, but random is good every so often, right? This month I've really been into scrap-booking. I've always collected bits and bobs such as tickets, wristbands etc so instead of them all gathering dust in a box, I decided to make use of my them and my book from paperchase and arrange everything neatly so I can just flick through for a trip down memory lane.

I've also started to plot indoor plants around my room but I've killed about five flowering plants- I don't even know how I do it. I guess I've finally found my special talent;D As a last resort I decided to pick up a cactus. If this dies, then there really is no hope for me, but so far so good. Are any of you serial plant killers too?


  1. I'm into scrapboking every now and again too, it''s such a relaxing thing to do and lovely to look back on. Haha- the plants bit made me laugh!

    Sharlotte | UK Beauty Blog

  2. Pretty photos! Scrapbooking is a novel idea, I know a few who are avidly into it. I think it's a brilliant way to store your memories :) x


  3. I've been thinking about starting a scrapbook for a while now... I have a huge box filled with tickets, wristbands, old cards and a load of other stuff so I think it'd be nice to make something out of it. I really liked this post! ^_^ xx

  4. Scrapbooking is such a good idea, I may have to steal your idea! x

  5. Ahh, I love Paolo Nutini <3 xx Rebecca - UK fashion blog

  6. The Fray are always amazing, and we love scrapbooking!! We'll have to have a listen to some of the other songs!


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