Motivational Mondays

image from tumblr

Hello lovelies, hope you're all doing well. As you may or not have noticed, today is Monday *boo, hiss, cry* but fear not as I have something which hopefully might make your Monday a little bit easier: some motivation. I know for all of you self-motivated people out there, this might seem a little pointless but if you are like me and a master of procrastination, sometimes all you need is a friendly kick up the backside and what better way to receive it then from a nice little quote and hey, who doesn't like reading quotes? P.S the idea for motivation mondays is Louise's over at sprinkle of glitter.

And as you probably have all heard by now, there has been a bit of a hoo-ha surrounding GFC, so in preparation I just thought I'd list all the places you can follow/find this blog:)