Review | Nivea Creme

 Nivea Creme - £3.39 via superdrug & boots

Moisturising, love it or loathe it, I personally think it's one of the most important steps in achieving nice skin, yet so many people don't do it. Yes, sometimes it can be a bit of a chore but I honestly dread to think how horrible my skin would look and feel if I didn't moisturise, so I've decide to share the wonders of my favourite moisturiser with you all.

Nivea creme is honestly the best moisturiser I've come across so far, especially for my skin type -dry/normal. Every morning and evening, I literally plaster my face in this stuff and once it has sunk in, I'm left with soft, smooth skin.I also really like this because it doesn't break me out like some moisturisers I've tried. I just love it.

The only downside I can really think of is that the creme itself is quite thick so sometimes it can take a while for it to sink in, which isn't great if you're in a rush, but I don't mind because I usually have a lot of spare time on my hands;D 

I also think it's a fantastic price for it's size, roughly around the £3 mark, depending on where you go, so it's pretty cheap, which is always a bonus. They also come in different sizes, so you can always buy a small pot, just to try it out and then when you hopefully love it as much as I do, you can buy a big 'old pot, which usually lasts me around one or two months.

Overall, I think this is a fantastic moisturiser, especially if you're on a budget, and will probably continue to use it for the rest of the foreseeable future:) What's your favourite moisturiser? Are you a fan of nivea?


  1. Yes moisturizing is so important! I always neglect my body's an improvement since I used to not moisturize my face *eeep*

    I was complaining about how my skin is so dry but my nose is oily when my friend told me that it might be because my skin is so dry that it tries to produce moisture through oil but it doesn't distribute evenly. She was right, after I started moisturizing the difference is noticeable.

    Thanks for the review :3 It sounds like a great cream but because I have dry skin I have to use watery-gel-like creams x

  2. I love that creme! It was like the first moisturizer I think I ever bought! Loving your blog, I just followed! It would mean a lot if you could check mine out too x

  3. Anonymous31 July, 2013

    I love this cream, my mom and I have used this for years! xx

  4. I have that... it's not something I use every day, but I do use it when I feel like something more fresh and natural. The only problem I have is that it's thick, as you said, and I'm too anxious to wait for it to sink in.

  5. This cream is a great staple for anyone's beauty cupboard. I read online(somewhere)that it has similar ingredients to Creme De La Mer - which is over a £100 a pot! I have combination skin and find it's too heavy to wear everyday - but it does leave your skin feeling smooth and soft when I do choose to wear it!

    Emily x


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